Frequently Asked Questions

1. When do you refer to OT/PT?

  • After using the activity strategies recommended in the rubric and upon reassessment of skills, determine that the student is not making significant growth in the skill area
  • Complicating factors contributing to slow growth in skill areas: ie. Medical diagnosis, physical challenges
  • After you have discussed concerns with other people already working with the student: the parents, school based team, other specialist personnel

2. Who is eligible for OT/PT service?

  • Students with an educational coding who have an identified need for OT and /or PT
  • Students in Kindergarten who are experiencing difficulty with motor/sensory skills that impact on school performance


3. How do you request OT/PT service?

  • The school based team completes the OT and PT screening form (section C) on the “Request for Student Support Services” SSS referral form

4. What is Occupational Therapy (OT)?

OT is concerned with function and independence in activities that are important for an individual student- school tasks, play and self care activities.

Specific areas include:

  • Sensory processing (sitting still, using play dough)
  • Fine Motor Development (holding pencils, scissors)
  • Sensory- Motor Development (drawing, printing, cutting)
  • Self care Skills (eating, dressing , toileting, hygiene)
  • Equipment (seating, wheelchairs, commodes, splints)
  • Access to technology (computers)
  • Accessibility (washrooms, wheelchair access)


5. What is Physiotherapy (PT)?

PT is concerned with helping students to improve their mobility, independence and physical fitness. The goal is to promote functional independence for each student within the school and community and to enhance their educational goals. Specific areas include:

  • Gross motor development (balance coordination)
  • Muscular control and strength
  • Equipment (walkers, standers, wheelchairs)
  • Transfers/lifting
  • Mobility in the school environment
  • Positioning (floor sitting, chair adaptations)
  • Orthoses (monitoring fit and use)
  • Physical education inclusion

6. How is therapy services provided?

Therapy Services are provided using a collaborative consultation approach. This involves input from the student’s family, teachers, and other team members to jointly identify the student’s needs.
Services can be provided in one or more of the following ways:

  • Assessment of student needs
  • Consultation with educational staff and family
  • Program planning
  • Inservice training for educational staff
  • Liason with community health agencies
  • Involvement with the IEP process

7. Who are the OT’s and PT’s that provide services in School District No. 42?


Julie Brown, OT

Barbara Cassidy, OT

Teresa Kwiatkowski, OT

Kristen Nelson, OT

Renuka Preocanin, PT

Chelsea Tanchuk, OT